Payment Guarantee
We understand very well, that with the current economic conditions, operational cost savings are very important, for that we offer very competitive and negotiable vehicle delivery prices, as well as a full warranty for every vehicle sent to the destination city.
The need for new vehicles to be traded is increasing day by day, and the risks faced by each ATPM and Vehicle Dealer are increasing, while the handling of Insurance Claims takes several days. This does not include the Driver as a human resource that must be faced by the Company that employs him. This obstacle is faced by various ATPM Companies and Vehicle Dealers.
- When the Delivery Order system has been agreed upon by the order buyer and the order recipient, the Order Recipient will issue a Receipt and Billing Invoice with details in accordance with the Delivery Order.
- We provide a Guarantee (Full Guarantee) on every vehicle sent with the terms and conditions that apply. If the Order Provider wants proof of insurance (issued policy), the amount of the insurance premium adjusts to TLO (Total Loss Only) or all risk conditions.
- The bill can be paid when the vehicle has been received at the destination or no later than the due date of the bill.
- Payment can be in the form of Cash Payment, Transfer, Check or Giro with a clearing period no later than the billing due date.
- Payment is considered valid, if the transferred Funds, Checks / Giro have occurred Clearing in accordance with the Billing Amount.
- In the event of a claim on an uninsured vehicle, the order provider has the right to submit a Claim Letter and the settlement will be responded to after the order provider has paid his dependents to the order recipient.
- Vehicle claims must be stated in the Minutes of Vehicle Handover from PT ANUGRAH PADUA which has been signed by the recipient of the vehicle and the driver.
- PT ANUGRAH PADUA does not respond to claims without information on the Vehicle Handover Report from PT ANUGRAH PADUA.